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Outstanding VTC Design Alumni Award 2019


也感謝VTC多次機會讓我為母校的設計課程推廣,希望未來的新血可以好像品牌理念'redefine ordinary'般 --即使平凡人沒有擁有優厚資質, 但只要找到對的學習環境與平台,加以栽培,也一樣能夠發光發亮,將平凡重新定義,用各自獨有的專才為業界出一分力。

Great thanks to VTCDAA for the Outstanding Design Alumni Award, this means a lot to me and I hope I can continue to support and inspire the design new blood in the future.

I have to sincerely thank my teachers and friends for all the physical and mental support throughout these years!