About us

paper diamond® is founded by Candice Hui, a graduate from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, created paper diamond® during the L’Art de la Séduction Exhibition in Paris (2011).
"The finest diamond must be cut” , similarly every person is not born perfect and can be “refined.” With this in mind, we believe that “Everybody can do something”.
From sourcing fine papers around the world, to cutting, folding, assembling and re-touching, Candice insists on finishing each product with her own hands. Each tiny 'diamond' is folded delicately with a personal touch, forming a special piece each time.
設計師簡介: Candice HUI畢業於倫敦聖馬丁設計學院。2011年在巴黎的一次設計展覽 (L’Art de la Séduction Exhibition) 中創作出paper diamond®。設計師相信透過精緻工藝,就算是紙材這被大眾視為物價低的材料也可以變成有價值的物品。「玉不琢﹐不成器」,但即使我們沒有擁有玉般的優良天資,也一樣能夠發光發亮﹐活得有價值。
設計師堅持親手處理每個步驟- 從世界各地搜羅優質紙張、剪裁、摺疊、編排以至修飾,每個工序都一絲不苟,不但顯示對工藝的熱誠和執着﹐更期望每一顆「鑽石」變得奪目耀眼,突出個性。
品牌首飾特色: 主要以日本四季的植物作創作靈感設計出簡約的純銀首飾。一直堅持以 ‘redefine ordinary’ 作原則--- 透過精湛的工藝及簡潔的設計,將每件平凡的物品轉化成淡淡優雅的精品。希望為每位佩戴的客人帶來幸福溫暖,更能散發出高貴隨心的氣質。